PHP String Functions
PHP Provides wide range of functions to perform operations on string.
String Length Function Example
String Length Function will return the total characters in string.
//String Length
echo strlen("Hello World"); //Output 11
Reverse String Function Example
//Reverse String
echo strrev("elppA"); //Output Apple
String Search Example
Want to find any specific word from sentence. it will return the starting point of word.
//Search For a Specific Text Within a String
echo strpos("I Love My Country","My"); //Output 7
Replace Text Function Example
Many time we require to replace the word in variable at runtime for this php provide str_replace() function.
//Replace Text Within a String
echo str_replace("Friend","Brother","Hello Friend");//Output Hello Brother
Repeat String Function Example
//Repeat the string
echo str_repeat("ha",4);//output hahahaha
Uppercase Function Example
Converts the string characters to upper case.
//String to UpperCase
echo strtoupper("Pakistan"); //Output PAKISTAN
Lowercase Function Example
Converts the string characters to lower case.
//string to LowerCase
echo strtolower("pHp"); //Output php